Saturday 19 June 2010

School Prom Preparation

The Turmoils of a teenager; and then there is always school, exams, and boyfriends to deal with. What better preparation for life is there.
Daughters just keep older. Does this happen to me too? Here is Jacqueline trying on her Prom Dress.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Catching the Caching Commotion!

I have found myself at the end of the tunnel, and embarking on the transition back into the light of day once again.. At last I hear you cry... Engaging with the adventure of all things (slightly) random, I have now taken up Geocaching. I wander the towns and countryside alike, with anyone mad enough to follow me, with technology in hand, a map in my pocket, and hope in my heart.

Find out about Geocaching - Click here

Sunday 7 February 2010

Light at the Tunnel's End

The Camera is out again,
Dusted off and recharged.

Stretching, yawning,
taking a deep breath.

Emerging from the rest,
Hoping to see things with
a fresh pair of eyes.

I want to be marvelled by the simplest things. I want the child-like curiosity to unleash a million questions of hows and whys...
I want to be surprised by the answers - if any come my way.

Saturday 9 January 2010

In Hibernation

Not Abandoned - I'm just dormant.
Like a Dormouse, in hibernation
Reducing my energy expenditure
To the barest minimum

Waiting, Waiting,
For spring to push through
Waiting, Waiting,
For inspiration and motivation!